As many may know, the Nintendo Switch is a huge success but suffers from availability issues. Stores can't seem to keep them in stock for too long before people buy them all up. It was such an issue in the first month that some Switches were even carried by plane instead of a boat.
A Nintendo spokesman told the Wall Street Journal (NEOGAF transcript) that the unusual and costly transportation method was used to get Switches to customers more quickly. As of this month, Nintendo has switched back to sea freight.
Research Institute analyst Hideki Yasuda commented, "Air is a big profit-squeezer because it could cost additional ¥5,000 per unit,” the equivalent of $45.
Considering that the first few months of a system's release are crucial for its continued success, this seems like the right move. Afterall, shortage of stock, because they keep getting bought, is a good problem to have, but solving it sells even more units.