Nintendo Virtual Console is welcoming spooky retro games this month

Kirby is just so spooky

Nintendo isn't taking October slowly, they've already got some spooky games planned to head our way.

Before we look into what spooky retro games they're going to be offering up on the eShop, we should clarify that these games are for the Virtual Console.

Nintendo's Virtual Console houses games from NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System), GBA (Gameboy Advance) and GBC (Gameboy Color), so – it's the retro game service you've always wanted (for Nintendo platforms at least.) Here are the games that are currently available and the spooky four that will be available by Halloween.

Available this week:

Coming soon:

  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow: Oct. 23 (Wii U)
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land: Oct. 30 (Wii U)
  • Demon’s Crest: Oct. 30 (Wii U)
  • Gargoyle’s Quest II: The Demon Darkness: Oct. 30 (Wii U and 3DS)
