No Man’s Sky is coming to Xbox One in July with multiplayer

More than one man's sky.

We’ve known for a while now that the former PlayStation exclusive No Man’s Sky would be coming to Xbox One later this summer but we weren’t sure when. Now we know when and what exactly it’ll include.

On July 24th, No Man’s Sky will hit the Xbox One with all of the previously released updates and one massive new feature: Multiplayer. No Man’s Sky originally launched with the promise of an incomprehensibly large universe that had players roaming all over it. Given the universe was so large, developer Hello Games said it was unlikely you’d ever actually encounter anyone but it was possible in theory.

Of course, within the first week of launch two people ended up on the same planet and found that they couldn’t see each other or see anything the player did to the planet. Players were furious and it was one of many “lies” that led to the game’s downfall and negative reception.

The game slowly began building itself back up over time but it lost the respect of most of the people who purchased it. Now Hello Games seems to want to fulfill some of its original promises which will allow you to group up with friends, encounter strangers, and work together to build bases or hunt down other players.

We have no idea how in-depth the multiplayer will actually be but hopefully, we’ll see some gameplay of the feature before the game launches this summer. Xbox One X owners will also receive graphical enhancements when the game launches but no details have been given quite yet.

No Man’s Sky’s Xbox One launch will also mark the release of the “Next” update which of course, includes multiplayer and potentially more. Only time will tell how much of a difference this makes for the sci-fi adventure game and if its enough to get the game back in the good graces of its players.

No Man’s Sky will release on July 24th, 2018 for Xbox One, it’s currently out now on PS4 and PC.