No multiplayer for inFAMOUS: Second Son

InFAMOUS: Second Son will not have a separate multiplayer mode, according to brand development director Ken Schramm. The refreshing bit of news comes from an interview at the Taipei Game Show via UDN.

While Schramm hints that  main character Delsin Rowe will meet "partners" during the story (no details yet), he reiterated that inFAMOUS: Second Son will remain a single player game with no multiplayer in the game's design.

Elsewhere in the interview, it was revealed that the game has an open architecture, meaning there will be side quests in addition to the main story. However, the decisions you make with Rowe — whether good or evil — will affect what quests become available. In some cases, your decision may cause you to lose access to some situations.

InFAMOUS: Second Son will be released exclusive for PlayStation 4 on March 21, 2014.
