No planned Nintendo Switch or Project Scorpio Version of Mass Effect: Andromeda

We probably knew this, but BioWare states it's not impossible

We probably already knew this, but BioWare has stated that there are no plans for Mass Effect: Andromeda coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Many third-party developers have tossed the idea around for developing on the new Nintendo system, but Mass Effect: Andromeda producer, Michael Gamble tells Stevivor that, "We're not planning on it." However, he does go one to say more on the subject. "If the Switch launches and everyone’s just yammering for Mass Effect, who knows. [sic] We never want to close doors like that.”

As for Microsoft's upcoming console release, Project Scorpio, Gamble shut down that possibility as well (at least for now), “For Scorpio, we have absolutely no plans right now,” he said. “You never know what’ll happen after that.”

As of now, there are no plans for Andromeda to be tweaked for Scorpio like it is being optimized for the PS4 Pro, but the future could definitely change that.

It was hinted at that EA wanted to bring one of their biggest titles to the Nintendo Switch and this interview more or less confirms that it wasn't the Mass Effect series. Be sure to check out the Nintendo Direct on January 12, however, to see what is actually planned to be on the Nintendo Switch at launch!