Nolan North has an idea on who could play Nathan Drake in an Uncharted movie, it’s not Mark Wahlberg

Please not Marky Mark.

Sony has been working on bringing an Uncharted movie to life over the last couple of year, but things haven't been going very well. The movie has been stuck in development hell, no one is staying on the project long enough to get it up and running.

When the idea first appeared, the voice actor for Nathan Drake – Nolan North – would have been up for the role, but it's take too long. 

"I wanted the part, back 10 years ago when I was 34/35 doing this kinda thing, but it's taken forever," North told Daily Star. "People who've seen the script are comparing it to Indiana Jones and National Treasure, but there's still a lot of work and truthfully, I think it's got an uphill battle."

North knows that he's not spry enough to play Nathan Drake anymore, but he can see himself playing as Sullivan. Which means that North doesn't really have any faith in the movie being made any time soon. Regardless of his hopes for the film, there's one thing he does know… Mark Wahlberg isn't his first choice for the role.

"The last I heard Mark Wahlberg was still in the running, but I really don’t see it. I thought Chris Pratt would do it justice, but guess what he did it already in Guardians of the Galaxy – that was a Nathan Drake character," said North.

"He’s vulnerable, he’s kinda funny, he’s kinda that hero with a smirk, cocky and confident. That scene when he says "I’m Starlord" that's such a Drake moment. From what I can tell he was even offered the role but he turned it down. What does that say?"

Chris Pratt has been widely requested to take up the role of Indiana Jones and nothing has happened on that front yet… Hopefully he is willing to play Nathan Drake.