The Ghost that we all learned to constantly make of in Destiny is officially gone, the latest teaser for Destiny: The Taken King has given us our first listen at Nolan North as our little robotic guide. Bungie first revealed that Ghost's voice would be replaced in the upcoming expansion earlier this month.
Peter Dinklage's "That Wizard came from The Moon" line became synonymous with the game, but Bungie has gone through all the steps to stomp Dinklage out from the game. Veteran voice actor Nolan North has re-recorded every line that Ghost says, from the beginning of Destiny through the expansion.
You might be wondering why Bungie chose replace Dinklage, according to them it's because Dinklage wasn't available enough. There are plenty of changes coming with The Taken King, almost too many to list, but Bungie is detailing the expansion every once and a while to prepare us for September 15th.