Last month, the reveal of Conan Exiles' 'endowment' slider caused quite the ruckus. A ton of attention was focused on the dong slider and it appears as though people aren't done with it yet. During the Game Developer Conference last week, Funcom's creative director Joe Bylos had a few more words on the dong slider.
"Lots of people ask me about the dicks," Bylos said to PC Gamer before PC Gamer even asked. "I expected people to get a five-minute laugh out of it and it was way bigger than I expected people to even think about it, it was crazy."
Bylos went on to explain that the dongs are "cloth-physics objects right now," which means that they don't have a hitbox. However, that could change in the future, Funcom has "individual hitboxes we can set up," but they "just haven't done it."
The future for the dongs is unclear but there's an idea of a "harvest trophy" that could see players wearing a "necklace of dicks." The concept came up during an 'Ask Me Anything' on Reddit.
"People went wild because I said in one of the Reddit AMAs something about castration. But the idea for the castration is actually more… when you've killed somebody, you can click the body and you can say 'harvest trophy' and you might get an ear or a dick or a foot or a hand. Like, it's not necessarily going to always be… and it won't be a dick if it's a female anyway, right?
"It's more like a harvest trophy system. I do want to allow people to build a necklace of dicks they can wear. Why not? It's fun."
Fortunately, Funcom hasn't seen any major backlash from adding the dong slider. "Women seem to feel like it's overdue that men get a slider, and men seem to think it's hilarious. It's all good."