Sony has partially revealed next month's PlayStation Plus lineup, confirming two titles that'll be free on PS4.
"One brutally difficult platformer, one heart-warming, coming-of-age story. This month’s PS Plus lineup has a great mix of flavors," Sony said, revealing that both Super Meat Boy and Broken Age will be free to PlayStation Plus members on PS4 in October.
Super Meat Boy was expected to be free this month, but now it's confirmed. First released on Xbox 360 and PC back in 2010, the game takes platforming to insane difficulties. Inspired from old retro platformers, Super Meat Boy offers "teeth-grinding levels, insane obstacles, horrible traps, and smiling chunks of meat."
The second free game for PS4 is Broken Age, a point-and-click adventure in which you'll guide two teenagers through strangely similar circumstances but on two different worlds.
Sony also noted that Driveclub PlayStation Plus Edition will no longer be available as a free download for PS Plus members starting on October 6th, 2015, so make sure you download it before next week.
The full PS Plus lineup for October hasn't yet been revealed for North America just yet, but PlayStation Europe also announced Unmechanical Extended for PS4/PS3, Kickbeat for PS3/Vita, Kung Fu Rabbit for PS3/Vita, and Chariot for PS3. We're assuming it will be the same in the United States, but we're just waiting for confirmation.
[PS Blog]