October’s PS Plus games now available, but no Driveclub yet

Dust, Spelunky, and... Driveclub?

The PlayStation Store has been updated and October's batch of free PlayStation Plus games are now free for members in North America.

For PS4 owners, that means PS Plus members can now download Dust: An Elysian Tail and Spelunky for free. Unfortunately, Driveclub: PlayStation Plus Edition — the free, slightly stripped-down version of Evolution Studios' new racing game — is still not available for free. It's worth noting, however, that Driveclub can be purchased via the PlayStation Store, indicating that the availability of the free version shouldn't be too much longer.

Meanwhile, PS3 owners can download Batman: Arkham Asylum and Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. Vita owners get Pix the Cat (also available on PS4) and Rainbow Moon (also available on PS3).

All of October's PS Plus games will be available until the first Tuesday of November, at which point a new batch of free games will be made available.