Oculus Rift, HTC Vive hit by shipping snags

If it's not one thing, it's another

Virtual reality’s frontrunners, the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, are currently working through processing pitfalls which have impeded their respective launches.

According to a screen-capped apology email, Oculus ran into “an unexpected component shortage” which has affected shipping dates for many early adopters. Updated shipping status will be available by April 12. Additionally, Oculus is waiving shipping fees for those affected.

“If you have an order from the launch of pre-orders on January 6th through the end of day on April 1st (Pacific Time), we’re footing the bill for shipping, globally,” said one Oculus Reddit mod. “That’s it. You’re welcome.”

HTC, meanwhile, has had problems processing payment. Many early Vive orders were mistakenly auto-cancelled due to processing difficulties with various financial institutions. HTC has already begun reinstating orders, but individuals with outstanding orders may want to confirm their status themselves.

“We want to assure our customers that we’ll work with them to process their payment so they can receive their Vive when they were expecting it,” HTC said in a blog post. “If you pre-ordered a Vive, we encourage you to contact your financial institution to notify them of upcoming charges.”

At the time of writing, new Oculus Rift orders are slated to ship in July. If you order a Vive today, your headset will ship in May.

Source: Imgur, HTC

Via: Eurogamer