Official Harry Potter quiz will help you discover your true Patronus

What's your Patronus?

Harry Potter fans can finally have an answer to the question they have all been wondering: What is your true Patronus?

After teasing an upcoming announcement, the official Pottermore site has pulled the curtain back and revealed a way to discover your true Patronus. Sure, there were Facebook quizzes that offered the same thing 'discovering your Patronus,' but this one is official. 

To get started with the quiz, you need to join the Pottermore site… Which can prove difficult if your computer is from the stone age, like mine. So, you can always make an account here then go back to the quiz page.

Like any other quiz, you have to answer a series of timed questions in a dimly lit forest. The questions aren't exactly questions, but are a series of choices like 'Together' or 'Alone.' Once you finish your quiz, you'll need to interact with the site once more to discover your Patronus.

It turns out, my Patronus is a 'Little Owl.' No, not a big owl… A 'Little Owl.'


[Gratsi, David for taking the quiz!]