Rock Band 4 is trying to make its way to PC and developers Harmonix is using crowdfunding site fig.go to get the money they need. Why are they using crowdfunding, you might ask. Back when plastic guitars were in everyone's home Harmonix were owned by media giant Viacom and their games were published by Electronic Arts. A few years ago Harmonix went independent and last October Rock Band 4 came out for consoles, and now without the big economic muscles they need to use crowdfunding to make their game available on PC.
One of the backer tiers appropriately named "Collector" gives the donators the full Rock Band 4 song library of more than 2000 songs, official in-game credit, Rock Band 4 T-shirt, exclusive developer chat, the full PC game with early access and 30 more songs, limited edition Rock Band swag bag, A City Sleeps game and soundtrack, Best of Indies playable tracks, access to comments and discounted add-ons. The price? Only $2,500, that's not much, right?
The funny thing about it is that that isn't even their most expensive tier, it's even pretty cheap compared to the $25,000 "Platinum Hits" tier.
If you got the money, love Rock band, and want some sweet bragging rights then this is a pretty good deal.
You can checkout the full list of reward tiers here.