Oh, you tease! Conduit dev says series news is coming this year

Developer High Voltage has revealed plans to make an announcement about the Conduit series. But said announcement isn't too far off, because as designer Bob Chamot stated, "I would expect some new Conduit-related news before the year is out." Dun dun DUN!

Okay, so maybe that "dun dun DUN" was used out of context. In any case, The Conduit and Conduit 2 are pretty interesting titles. Though neither was close to perfect, they both successfully showed plenty of potential. They also proved that first-person shooters on the Wii could work.

Currently, High Voltage is working on a number of projects. The one I would suggest to really watch out for is Zone of the Enders HD Collection.

So, what do you folks think High Voltage is going to reveal? I say a Conduit game for the Wii U. Hell, it might even be on the Wii, but I doubt the developer wants to do that at this point.


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