I've got to hand it to you, Bethesda. You have the gaming world stumped. Not since the teasers for The Last of Us have we been so intrigued. These little videos your posting to Vine has everyone guessing what game you could possibly be announcing. I've seen Fallout 4, a Fallout MMO, ZWEI, Wolfenstein, Prey 2 and Dishonored 2 all mentioned. But I think I got it figured out…
The other day, I for sure thought Bethesda was lying when they tweeted that the teasers weren't for a new Fallout. I was wrong — unless they announce the new Fallout tomorrow, then I was right. The most obvious answers (if it's not a completely new IP), is that the teasers are either for Wolfenstein or ZWEI, a survival-horror game from Shinji Mikami.
I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with all of the Nazi-zombie killing goodness of Wolfenstein. ZWEI, on the other hand, is the codename for a game that is the realization of pure survival horror. Shinji Mikami, creator of the Resident Evil series, says the experience in ZWEI will push the limits of fear and exhilaration.
From the three teaser videos Bethesda has posted to Vine, we can make a case for both Wolfenstein and ZWEI. From the first teaser, barbed wire and classical music from the 1940s fits with the theme of Wolfenstein. The same goes for the burning sunflowers from the second teaser. According to GameInformer, searching for "sunflower" and "Germany" bring up references to the Romantic Road, known for fields of sunflowers. But there's also a strange figure standing behind the sunflowers.
The last teaser shows a creepy hallway, window and light, with a strange, hairy figure coming into view. The architecture looks like it would fit into a new Wolfenstein game.
All of that said, all of these elements and the creepiness in them seem to have the feeling of a survival-horror like ZWEI. The hallway in the last video, as well as the figure in the second are both reminiscent of the Resident Evil series.
This leads me to my conclusion… ZWEI is Wolfenstein!
Hear me out. ZWEI is German for two. Yea, that's all I got. Honestly, I could totally see Wolfenstein reinvented as a survival-horror game, especially with Shinji Mikami at the helm. And the series could use a good boost.
We'll find out tomorrow when Bethesda reveals the game they've been teasing. Make sure you check back on GameZone.com to find out my reaction and how I punished myself for being so stupid in my predictions.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]