One Piece, the astoundingly long manga and anime show about a band of pirates, is no stranger to the video game world. The first Pirate Warriors game had us going through the entirety of the storyline, while the second was an original story. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 will once again let gamers experience the entirety of the storyline, leading up the Dressrosa Arc.
The trailer is extremely short, but gives us a slight insight on the story. We get a short glimpse of Ace, and Luffy setting off on an Adventure with Soba ending it with saying that they will live out Ace's will.
While this is the Japanese trailer, the game has been confirmed for the US, coming in Summer 2015. It will be available on all Sony platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, as well as coming to Steam for the first time, as part of Bandai's big initiative to release their new titles on the PC.