Ornn's Stats
- Health Growth: 85
- Health Regen: 1.436
- Health Regen Growth: 0.12
- Armor: 24.04
- Armor Growth: 3
- MR: 32.1
- MR per level: 1.25
- Mana: 300
- Mana Growth: 45
- Mana Regen: 1.6
- AD: 59.72
- AD Growth: 3.5
- Attack Speed: 625
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.3
- Attack Range: 175
- Movement Speed: 335
- Cost: +1000g
- 30 AD
- Cost: 1000g
- 100 HP
- 100 Mana
- 10 AD
- 10% Attack Speed
- 3% Movement speed
- Cost: 1000g
- 200 Health
- 35 Magic Resist
- Cost: 1000g
- 55 AP
- 150 HP
- 20 AD
- Cost: 1000g
- 200 HP
- 30 Armor
- Cost: 500g
- 100 Health
- 100% Base Health Regen
- 50% Base Mana Regen
- Cost: 500g
- 20 Armor
- 15 Magic Resist
League of Legends is about to grow its already massive roster by yet, one more. Riot Games has introduced Ornn, who looks like a cross between a ram, a dwarf, and a pissed off teddy bear. Nicknamed, The Fire Below the Mountain, Ornn is a Demi-God, who's ability to craft weapons is unmatched.
In Patch 7.17, rumored to be arriving on August 23, Ornn will instantly change the game, bring skills no other character has, that will change the tide of battle for many teams. Ornn's passive ability is Living Forge & Master Craftsman. According to Riot Games, this is how they breakdown:
Living Forge: Ornn can spend gold to forge items for himself anytime he's out of combat. For convenience, suggested items appear in a special on-screen menu. Ornn can also open the shop manually to build any item.
Master Craftsman: Ornn and his teammates have access to special upgrades for select items in the shop. Each player is limited to one of these upgrades.
Ornn could be called a semi-tank, as he's meant to be a leader, he can easily initiate fights, but can also hold his own. With abilities like Searing Charge, he can pin enemies to the ground, or he can bring the fires of a volcano to them with Volcanic Rupture.
He's also going to change the way players upgrade their abilities since he's a blacksmith, Ornn doesn't have to retreat back to base to upgrade his skills, he can do it from anywhere on the board, as long as he's out of combat. For his teammates, Ornn can offer special upgrades for select items, however, players are limited to only one.
Check out the video below to see Ornn in action and to see his abilities in detail, check out the next page.