OSU marching band does awesome video game tribute

Last night as I was getting ready for bed, a friend of mine texted me to tell me that I should check out the link she posted on her Facebook account. I had no idea what I was about to see, but as I watched the video she linked to, I realized that I was witnessing quite possibly the coolest thing ever.

During the Ohio State University vs. Nebraska game over the weekend, the OSU marching band decided to go all out during its half-time show. They paid tribute to Pac-Man, Mario, Zelda, Halo, Pokemon, Tetris, and Space Invaders, offering up an impressive music and performance show that's totally chill-inducing.

To describe exactly what the marching band did would spoil the surprise. Seriously, if you love video games, just check out the video below, which was provided by YouTube user TheBigCliffy.

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