Our first look at Star Wars Battlefront’s co-op Missions

EA shows off Star Wars Battlefront's 'Survival Mode' on Tatooine

As we learned earlier this year, Star Wars Battlefront won't have a traditional single player campaign. What it will have instead is a completely separate mode called Missions "that allow you to play solo or cooperatively with bots on or offline."

These missions aim deliver "carefully crafted moments inspired by the film that let you live out your fantasies." And today, during Sony's E3 press conference, EA gave us our first look at one of Battlefront's Missions — Survival. As you'll see in the trailer, Survival is a wave-based mission in which you must fend off waves of Imperial forces including AT-Sts, TIE Fighters, elite stormtroopers and more.

Other Mission modes announced, but not detailed include Battles, Hero Battles, and Trials. More details regarding these Mission types will be revealed "in the months ahead."

Earlier today, during Electronic Arts' E3 conference, we got our first look at Star Wars Battlefront's more competitive player vs. player multiplayer.