Over 80,000 players have been killed by Battlefield Hardline’s drivable couch

EA shares fun facts about Battlefield Hardline

In celebration of what is presumably a successful launch of Battlefield Hardline, Electronic Arts and developer Visceral Games have put together an infographic that shares some fun facts for the first-person shooter.

For starters, more than 2 billion minutes have been spent playing Battlefield Hardline with 52 percent of the rounds won by the cops. Most of that time is probably spent playing one of the game's top three modes: Hotwire, Conqust (Large), and Heist. Most played maps include Downtown, Everglades and Riptide.

Perhaps the most interesting stat is that 80,477 people have been killed by "random furniture" a nod to the American Dream couch, which was recently nerfed.

Battlefield Hardline
