Overwatch Halloween Terror Skins leaked for Reaper, Mei, Zenyatta and Symmetra

That Symmetra... take my money!

Overwatch's annual Halloween Terror event is set to kick off this Tuesday, but ahead of the event's start, some of the event's themed skins have leaked. While the initial teaser showed off Reaper and McCree, these new leaks show Reaper's skin much clearer, while also showing us Mei and her Chinese garb and tiny fangs, Zenyatta appears to be a Cthulhu and Symmetra is … well, a sort of scaly demon with a chest of fire. That one, I want.

One character left out of these new leaks is McCree, who we can tell from the image in the header, is getting some sort of treatment, as his mechanical hand is clearly made some glowing material, maybe lava-like? Regardless, he's getting something, it just may not be as dramatic as the rest.

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Since McCree's teaser image was not leaked, it's entirely possible that there are other skins we don't yet know about.

The Overwatch event kicks off tomorrow, Oct. 10 after the patching process, usually 2-3pm EST, 11am-12pm PST.