To be or not to be, that is the questions Switch owner are asking themselves when it comes to Blizzard's massively popular shooter Overwatch, and according to the Big B, nothing is ruled out.
The Nintendo Switch had a great launch which has lead to a lot of developers have promised to support it, and on top of it all, Zelda got amazing scores. It all seems to be going rather well for the Switch, but it seems like Overwatch it still has a way to go until it comes to the console, if it ever comes. Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan explained their view on it over at Reddit.
"Getting Overwatch on the Switch is very challenging for us. But we're always open-minded about exploring possible platforms."
Seems like Blizzard has encountered some great challenges when either trying to or planning to make Overwatch for the Switch. That, combined with the increased production costs for Nintendos new system, might indeed make for some great development challenges. Kaplan also assures people that it is not a decision made to discriminate Nintendo gamers and said that he's "loving the Switch!" and that his "second favorite gaming platform of all time is the 3DS." Unfortunately, he did not reveal what his favorite platform was.
The door for Overwatch isn't closed, though it might take a while for Blizzard's critically acclaimed game to get there. In the meanwhile, Blizzard will keep on updating with fresh content.