Overwatch players are pushing a payload of cookies to Blizzard

If they got cookies does that mean that they are the dark side?

Gaming communities can be many things and apparently, caring, loving, and appreciative is some of the things that the Overwatch community can be. Some of them have decided to show how much they love Overwatch by pushing a payload of cookies to Blizzard as a token of their appreciation!

A guy named Christopher Culley, and some other people at the Overwatch Reddit, had the great idea to create an Indiegogo project to be able to send the Overwatch team a whole lot of cookies as a token of his and the community's appreciation for the game. This was something many of his fellow Overwatch players agreed on being a great idea!

"They have crafted an amazing game experience that has provided us collectively with thousands of hours of entertainment.  Along the way they've been amazingly communicative and provided wonderful and consistent updates."

The original goal was at $625 but it has already been smashed and at the moment of writing, with four days to go, the project has managed to raise $2,935, that's more than enough cookies to last a lifetime. The drive has gotten so big that Blizzard now has gotten in contact with Culley and actually asked him to limit the amount of the Indiegogo drive that will be going to cookies and instead give the remaining money to charity.

This Christmas the developers and office personnel working on Overwatch will be getting their fill of cookies and some lucky kids will be getting toys and games via Child's Play. What a turn of events!

If you want to participate in the cookie payload and giving to charity then visit the Indiegogo project page.