PAX East 2012: FireFall showfloor walkthrough part 4

This time, James Macauley takes the wheel, and shows us a new location called Transhub, that we got to see for the first time at PAX East.

We first get an overview of his current abilities and how they work. Basically these abilities are tied down to your armor, or your backpack. When you switch it out for a different one, or perhaps augment it through crafting, you're able to get even more powerful abilities.

We're shown this through the game's crafting system as James makes a better backpack for his character, and then gets extra skills that are tied to the backpack.

We also take a look at PVP, which looks to be just as fast paced, as you'd expect from an online shooter.

Make sure to keep checking back for more FireFall coverage, as the game gets closer and closer to release.

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