People are actually buying Aliens: Colonial Marines

Despite the warnings and the negative reception, SEGA's Aliens: Colonial Marines is somehow managing to sell. And it's selling incredibly well. The newest entry into the Alien game franchise debuted at number one in the UK, according to GfK Chart Track. It is the biggest new release of the year so far and is the second highest week 1 for an Alien franchise game, trailing only behind 2010's Aliens vs Predator. That game also happened to be published by SEGA.

The success of Aliens: Colonial Marines is a mystery to me; the game currently sits at a 40-50 rating on Metacritic. Perhaps it is selling on name alone? Everyone wants a good Aliens game. Despite it's flaws, of which there are many, the game does try to replicate the authentic Aliens experience. So I'll give it that.

Elsewhere in the charts, EA's Dead Space 3 dropped to number two. FIFA 13, another EA title, saw a 39% increase in sales over last week, but also fell one spot to number three. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 continued its downward trend, falling from third to fourth in the charts. Is Black Ops 2's best days behind it? 

Thebiggest loser in the charts, however, went to Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. The PS3 exclusive, developed by Namco, dropped from sixth to 25. For the full chart, check out GfK Chart Track.