Persona Music Live 2015: Night of the Phantom debuted a brand new Persona 5 trailer at 7:00 am EST. This is it folks! This is what we’ve been waiting so long for! Not only is this trailer over 2 minutes, but it features four characters, cutscenes, gameplay, city movement, combat, item screens, and a whole lot more.
Is it safe to assume the blonde guy is the sidekick of P5? Is the cat character a new mascot character (RIP Teddie)? Twin tails for days? Stealth element? Same shadow models? Weapon AND gun? Do you wear your persona – merge with it? I NEED TO KNOW!
If I were you, I wouldn’t be satisfied until I watched it at least a dozen times. Lucky for you, it’s playing above. Do yourself a favor and hit replay until your eyes bleed.
The hype. So real.