PETA targets Nintendo Switch’s 1-2 Switch milking game

Milking isn't a game.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, aka PETA, has a history of disliking games that use digital fur on characters, fictional pocket monsters, or even Zerglings. Now, PETA is chasing after Nintendo (again) for their mini-game featured in the Nintendo Switch's 1-2 Switch. 

The president of PETA wrote a letter to Nintendo referencing the cow milking mini-game included in 1-2 Switch. According to PETA, the cow milking game has removed the cruelty from real-life cow milking and has painted a much more "pleasant" picture for cow milking.

“…You’ve taken all the cruelty out of milking. We have more than 35 years of experience investigating dairy farms where cows are exploited for their milk and it is NEVER that pleasant for these animals. Can we have some realism here, please?

“To simulate cow milking accurately, 1-2 Switch would need to show all aspects of dairy farming, including the violent insemination of female cows on what the dairy industry itself refers to as a ‘rape rack’. Cows produce milk to feed their babies, but their young are torn away from them soon after birth so that human beings can use their milk instead. A mother cow will bellow for her calf for days after the baby is taken from her.

“Perhaps you could add these sounds to your game in order to remind players that by drinking milk, people support an industry that separates mothers from their babies.

“If you think that the gruesome nature of this would be too upsetting, we suggest that instead of sugarcoating the subject, Nintendo switch to simulating activities in which no animals suffer. (For example, an almond milk minigame in which you pick almonds could be quite fun.) Is your team brave enough to face the truth?”

The question is, would Nintendo make an almond picking 1-2 Switch mini-game?