Day 1 did not disappoint us and the GameZone crew is working hard to bring you all of the coverage from E3 2012. Here are some photos from our Day 1 walkthrough.
Shigeru Miyamoto starts off the Nintendo Press Conference at E3.
Fan Favorite Reggie Fils-Aime talks about all of Nintendo's new lineup.
Super Mario U is going to be an awesome twist on the old game for the new Wii U.
Show favorite ZombieU is taking the zombie market to a new level with its innovative play style.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 kept things hush hush at their revel at E3.
Activision does nothing less than big here at E3.
Square Enix booth draws a crowd.
Star Trek fans wait to see the new game and hopefully get a play through.
Spec Ops The Line has a creative way to show their game and has a ton of people talking about it.
Borderlands 2…enough said!
Get your Alien on with some Colonial Marines Cos Players.
Madden '13 lines were packed with sports fans flocking to see their new favorite players and graphics.
Hitman Booth shows its true colors.
Players get to play some Hitman at the booth as well.
Tomb Raider is also a fan favorite also here at E3.
Bethesda shows off Elder Scrolls online behind closed doors.
Resident Evil had some "unique" marketing strategies during the show.
Don't Forget to follow us on Twitter @gamezoneonline for all E3 news, previews and updates!
Stay tuned for GameZone's Booth babe gallery and see which one of your favorites makes the cut.