Players challenged to unlock new Medal of Honor: Warfighter multiplayer trailer

Keeping up with the startling trend of having gamers work for game reveals like trailers and cover athletes, EA has teased fans with a new Medal of Honor: Warfighter multiplayer trailer.

Here's the catch: to unlock the brand new multiplayer gameplay trailer players must "vote, like, or share" the multiplayer poll questions that will be posted on the game's Facebook page over the next few days.

I've never been a fan of having players work to unlock any new information about the game, but I understand why they do it. It encourages people to talk about the game and spread its name via word of mouth. Personally, I just find it annoying. If you want people to get excited about the game, then just show them it. Don't make us play these stupid games to see new features.

EA promises an all-new map reveal during the new trailer once they hit 100% of their goal which they have revealed, but assured that there is one. Medal of Honor: Warfighter currently sits at 10% of the target goal, but head over to the Facebook page to track the unlock progress.