With just a month until launch, the fever for next-gen has ramped up. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X is on the mind of all gamers, especially across social media platforms like Twitter. A new map courtesy of GoHastings shows the interest of PS5 and Xbox Series X across Twitter users in the United States.
Based on 200k tweets using key hashtags such as taglines and #Xbox or #PS5, users seem to be more interested in PlayStation 5. In a state by state breakdown, there’s more interest in the PS5 in 28 states vs Xbox in 22 states. If you want to get more into specific demographics, the Midwest seems to be the most interested in Xbox where as the coastal states are more interested in PlayStation 5.

While this doesn’t exactly prove anything beyond interest, there are some things to pull from this. Sony’s reign with the PS4 seems to be sure to continue on PS5 across the States. It’s also interesting to see how the home states of Xbox and PlayStation support their respective consoles. Microsoft is based out of Redmond, Washington and Sony’s PlayStation HQ is in San Mateo, California.
Xbox Series X is slated to release on November 10th and PlayStation 5 will release on November 12th. Both consoles will launch alongside major games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Black Ops Cold War.