PlayStation community votes on best game of 2015

No surprise, they picked The Witcher 3.

Sony asked the PlayStation community to pick the best games of 2015 across the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Vita, as well as the most anticipated games for 2016. After tallying up nearly 600,000 votes, Sony has officially released the community's choice.

It's not much of a surprise that The Witcher 3 highlighted the PS4's 'Game of the Year' list, but it is a surprise that Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 made it on to the top of the PS3 'Game of the Year' list. Black Ops 3 released on the PS3 (and Xbox 360) without offering a single-player campaign like it did on the PS4 (and Xbox One).

On an interesting note, the PlayStation community is more hyped about Dark Souls 3 and Horizon: Zero Dawn than they are No Man's Sky. Check out the Game of the Year lists below, as well as the most anticipated games for 2016, as voted by the PlayStation community.

PS4 Game of the Year:

  • Platinum: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  • Gold: Bloodborne

  • Silver: Fallout 4

  • Bronze: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

PS3 Game of the Year:

  • Platinum: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

  • Gold: Yakuza 5

  • Silver: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

  • Bronze: Tales from the Borderlands

Vita Game of the Year:

  • Platinum: Resident Evil: Revelations 2

  • Gold: Shovel Knight

  • Silver: Persona 4: Dancing All Night

  • Bronze: Super Meat Boy

Most Anticipated:

  • Platinum: Dark Souls 3

  • Gold: Horizon: Zero Dawn

  • Silver: No Man's Sky

  • Bronze: The Division