Revealed late Tuesday night at the Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced that PlayStation Mobile (PSM) is coming to PlayStation-Certified devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.) and the PS Vita on October 3rd. Great news, right? But what is PlayStation Mobile? Well, I'm glad you asked! Jack Buser, Senior Directore of PlayStation Digital Platforms, explained in a posted to the PlayStation blog exactly what PSM is.
PSM is a new platform for tablets and smartphones that is going to offer "PlayStation-like" experiences. It will offer games ranging in price from $2 to $20 from all genres — Sports, Action, Puzzle, you name it! The store will be easy to navigate, checkout and download your games. When PlayStation Mobile lauches on October 3rd, it will have around 30 titles available. While it's definitely available for the PS Vita, the blog post didn't say what mobile devices are PlayStation-Certified. I'd have to imagine that the iPhone and iPad are some of those, because if not, what's the point. And how will these games carry over to touch screen devices?
To help developers create content for PSM, Sony is offering the official version of the PlayStation Mobile SDK this November. Developers ranging from big companies to small indie studios will be able to distribute their content through the PlayStation Store and market their games to PlayStation Mobile users with just a $99 annual license agreement fee.
I'm definitely excited for this, and we'll keep you updated on what games become available on what devices as we learn more.
You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ