It's been a long time coming. PlayStation Plus, the amazing subscription that allows PS3 users to enjoy triple A titles for a mere $50 a year, is now adding the PS Vita. That's right, starting next week, the Vita will have six titles that you'll be able to download for free to your Vita, assuming you have a PS Plus subscription.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Jet Set Radio HD, WipEout 2048, Gravity Rush and Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!, as well as the PSP game Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions will be available to download next week. It might be because the Vita doesn't have a huge library yet, but damn, these games are looking really good.
Granted, a lot of early Vita adopters will have most of these games, but if Sony is that dedicated to bringing awesome titles like these to PS Plus each month, I'm sure we can expect a lot of other great games to show up.
For more information on System Software Updates, please visit this page, which will provide additional details on v2.00 when the update goes live.