PlayStation Trophies could be coming to PSone and PS2 Classics

A Sony patent application suggests Trophy support could be coming to PSone and PS2 Classics, as well as older pre-Trophy PS3 games like Resistance: Fall of Man and Heavenly Sword. Spotted by the keen folks on NeoGAF, the patent calls for "a method and apparatus for adding trophy support [to] games that do not have trophies without modifying the original game."

The patent abstract reads:

The method and apparatus are used to detect particular disk access, use the detected disk access as potential trophy triggers in games, and recognize the triggers while a game is played. Trophies are awarded based on the triggers, and the awarded trophies are stored.

What this means is that PlayStation games that don't inherently support Trophies can, using this new technology, be remotely patched to recognize certain triggers and reward the player with a Trophy. What remains to be seen who who will bear the burden for the costs associate with certifying a game after a patch. If the developers or publishers are responsible, then the cost may hold many of them back from implementing Trophies.

Check out the image below for how the technology would work and see the full 12-page patent application here.

Sony Patent