Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow on 3DS have been downloaded over 1.5 million times

Were you expecting them to do poorly?

Today, Nintendo outlined their financial results for the past fiscal year which ended back in March and there are a few nuggets of data that stand out from the pack. First of all, Nintendo's net profits are down 60%, from ¥41.8 billion last year to ¥16.5 billion this year. As it turns out, that is less than what Sony pulled in on PSN sales alone. Ouch.

But there is one ray of light that Nintendo can hang their hat on. The re-releases of Pokemon, Red, Blue and Yellow on Nintendo 3DS have been very profitable ventures, resulting in a grand total of over 1.5 million downloads. And according to Nintendo, more than half of those downloads came from the US.

"We believe that we have successfully created a chance to appeal to the nostalgia of consumers who played these titles when they first came out" said Nintendo.

Now, this means that Gold, Silver and Crystal have to be in play for the future, right?

Source: [nintendo.co.jp]