Pokemon Sun and Moon Set New Launch Sales Record for Nintendo

Pokemon Sun and Moon breathe life into a retiring handheld

The Nintendo 3DS may be settling sail with the announcement of the Nintendo Switch, but after Pokemon Sun and Moon, we may have learned that the system still has some pretty strong legs to stand on yet.

With the total sales of both titles, Pokemon Sun and Moon make it to the top of Nintendo's biggest-selling game of all time at launch in the UK market. Oddly enough, the previous title holder was Wii Fit. That's because the casual market is always overlooked, despite rocketing sales. This goes to show the Pokemon series hold on the world's attention, especially after Pokemon Go. 

With Dittos appearing in Pokemon Go and and rumors of Pokemon Sun and Moon getting ports to the Nintendo Switch, Pokemon seems to be getting nothing but stronger as time passes. Even though 3DS sales have been relatively normal this year, the sales of Sun and Moon have been heavily toward the existing fan-base.