Until now, Sony Online Entertainment has been pretty tight-lipped about the dates for PlanetSide 2's closed beta on PlayStation 4. All we've pretty much been told — informally through Twitter and various industry events — is that a beta is planned for January. And we assume, also based on tweets, that the beta build has already been submitted to Sony.
Thanks to SOE president John Smedley, though, we might now have a more specific date for when the beta will arrive. Responding to fans on Twitter, Smedley announced PlanetSide 2's PS4 beta will arrive either the week of January 13th or January 20th.
@lakemead20 we tried hard. As it happens only a few weeks to go. Either the week of the 13th or 20th.
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) December 27, 2014
Again, this isn't a formal announcement, but considering it's coming from the head honcho himself, I think we can trust the source. As always, we'll reach out to SOE for confirmation, but they've been pretty hesitant to telling us anything for certain.
Assuming Smedley's tweet is accurate, that means we now have just a few weeks until PlanetSide 2's beta arrives on PlayStation 4. Sign-ups for the closed beta can be found here.
[Thanks, MercGames]