Pre-load Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on Xbox One starting today

Digital pre-order now available

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare isn't due out for another month, but fans who simply can not wait to get their hands on Activision's upcoming shooter can at least get a jump start.

Starting today, Xbox One owners can pre-order and pre-download Advanced Warfare on Xbox One. Although you can download it ahead of time, you won't actually be able to play it until the game releases on November 3, 2014, at 12:01 am PST. The good thing is, that by pre-downloading the game now you'll be able to play the second it unlocks.

Right now, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is available digitally through the Xbox Store in two forms: the Day Zero Edition and Digital Pro Edition. Here's what's included with each:

[Major Nelson]