Pre-order EA games on Origin and get 50% off select titles

If you are one of the few who actually enjoy using EA's digital distribution service Origin, then you may be interested in the new promotion they have going on.

For a limited time only, when you pre-order one of EA's upcoming titles you can get another select title at half-off.

Madden NFL 13, NCAA 13, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and many more upcoming titles are available as part of the promotion, but the catch is that each of these games offer a different selection of titles available for half-off, most of them older titles. For instance, NCAA Football 13 pre-order offers you 50% off on SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, or FIFA Soccer 12, while Dead Space 3 gets you 50% off of Mass Effect 3, BF3, Dead Space, or Medal of Honor.

If you haven't yet played Mass Effect 3, this may be a good time to pick it up. After all, it's better to pay 50% since you aren't getting a full ending with it anyway.

Take advantage of the weekly deal here.