Precursor rebooting Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding efforts

Precursor Games is taking down both its Kickstarter and website crowdfunding campaigns for Shadow of the Eternals, the follow-up to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Nintendo GameCube, on June 6.

The Kickstarter will come back, though, in a few weeks. The developer says "a host of a new, exciting opportunities that will make the game better than we envisioned" is the reason for the sudden change.

"As we’re closing the current Kickstarter campaign, not a single dime from this campaign will be removed from supporters’ accounts, and everyone from our website’s crowdfunding campaign will receive full refunds via PayPal," Precursor wrote.

"As we re-tool our campaign and continue development, the forums on our site will remain open and active, and any interested fans can still join the ‘Order of the Unseen’ to see our progress and join in the fun of creating content for the game themselves."

We have no idea what's prompted the relaunch, but we'll find out soon enough. The developer has said before that if the Kickstarter failed, Shadow of the Eternals would probably never finish development. This could be an attempt to stretch out the campaign, but it seems that Precursor might have a new advantage that's making it more confident than before.

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