Shadow of the Eternals, the successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, returned to Kickstarter today with a new battle plan.
Precursor Games announced that David Hayter — the voice of Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake, whom Konami recently showed the door — will play the role of detective Paul Becker.
The Kickstarter also boasts a new, lower crowdfunding goal: only $750,000 compared to the previous $1.35 million asking amount (and less than Precursor's old website target of $1.5 million). It will ditch the episodic format in favor of an 8-10 hour horror action-adventure for Wii U and PC.
And, if this new campaign is a hit and meets a stretch goal, the game will come to PlayStation 4 as well — although Precursor has not yet specified how much excess is needed for that to happen.
Hayter's participation comes at a perfect time since fans have been mourning his absence from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain. Konami has cast 24 star Kiefer Sutherland in his place.
I suspected that Precursor would probably need to cast a wider net on platforms considering how much it was struggling to raise interest in Shadow of the Eternals. PC might be hot, but people enjoy console options, and the Wii U is still relatively unpopular. It's also a bit hard to imagine the "sequel" to Eternal Darkness, a survival-horror game, on the Wii U without some sort of new-generation "gimmick."
Before you point to ZombiU, consider how that game was built with the Wii U's GamePad in mind whereas sometimes you just want old-fashioned, button-only bad survival-horror game controls.
Shadow of the Eternals' new Kickstarter is already on track to raise more money than either the previous Kickstarter or website campaign did. Right now, the Kickstarter is at $68,000 and counting. Before, the game made $120,000 in three days on Precursor's website and $50,000 on its first day, so that's an (albeit small) improvement in progress. But the old Kickstarter only reached $128,000 in almost a month's time. It's now more than halfway to that point.