Sony has pledged that the PS3 will be leading the 3D movement in 2011. The company has released a graphic on the PlayStation Blog highlighting their campaign, headed by the words, “The year of 3D on the Playstation 3 system.” They followed this announcement with a list of games that will feature 3D support, including Socom 4, Uncharted 3, and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One.
A couple facts were also provided, with 20% of Killzone 3 single-player demos downloaded in 3D and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2011: The 3-D Experience Exclusive Sneak Peek totaling 83,000 downloads in one week. That’s a lot of 3D televisions, and a lot of curious eyes wanting a glimpse of 3D swimsuit babes.
“The PS3’s deep 3D content isn’t limited to games—PlayStation Network gives you access to a wealth of downloadable 3D movies and original content,” Sony Communications Manager J. T. Tidwell said. “And, of course, PS3 is the only system that supports 3D Blu-ray movies. Mark your calendars: Tron Legacy releases on April 5.”
The demand for 3D televisions has been unexpected, with the format moving ahead of HDTV sales when compared with the longevity of both techs. Though companies are slowly implementing a 3D service, one thing’s for sure: Three-dimensional content is growing rapidly, and Sony is taking full advantage of having the only console on the market making use of the software. Expect more promo work in the next few days before the Nintendo 3DS drops, and then things will really get interesting.