PS4 Launch Week: Killzone: Shadow Fall Review Round-up

The embargo for PlayStation 4 launch games is up today, meaning reviews for the first batch of next-gen games should begin rolling in. First up we have Killzone: Shadow Fall. Easily one of the bigger next-gen exclusives for the PlayStation 4, does the highly anticipated first-person shooter offer enough to make the PS4 a must-buy at launch? Here's what reviewers are saying from around the web.

IGN – 8/10

"There’s never been a better time for everyone to be paying attention to the Killzone franchise, because Shadow Fall is a step in an all-new, very welcome direction."

Destructoid – 9/10

"Killzone: Shadow Fall is the game that will make you happy to own a PS4. This needs to be on your PS4 launch game list."

Eurogamer – 7/10

"There's a lack of confidence here that contrasts starkly with Guerrilla's dazzling, sure-footed command of the new hardware. It's a game that any new PlayStation 4 owner will be proud to show off – but it won't be one they remember by the time PS5 rolls around."

Polygon – 5/10

"For all the next-gen bluster of its visuals and the repeated blunt-force attempts to ram a message home, Guerilla’s first shot on the PS4 retreads shooter cliches, and poorly. In a launch lineup crowded with shooters, Killzone: Shadow Fall sits at the bottom."

OPM – 8/10

"It all adds up to form an impressive launch shooter. A mix of familiar gunplay and just enough new ideas, gorgeous looks and sheer technical wow to make you feel like you’re stepping into a shiny new future."

Gamespot – 7/10

"As much as I enjoyed my online time with Killzone: Shadow Fall–and as much as I will enjoy lots more time with it, unlocking perks that allow me to personalize my weapons–I missed Killzone 3's jump pack, which brought a nifty nimbleness to the battlegrounds. I missed it in Shadow Fall's disappointing single-player campaign, too, which sorely needed a shot of adrenaline."

Kotaku – "No"

"Killzone Shadow Fall succeeds as an example of how amazing a PS4 game can look but feels mysteriously devoid of the secret ingredient that takes games from great-looking to great-feeling."

It seems to be a mixed bag when it comes to review for Killzone: Shadow Fall. As one of the PS4's big-named shooter, I expected much higher scores. Will these scores affect your decision to purchase Killzone: Shadow Fall at launch?