PS4 players spend more on microtransactions than PC and PS3, says SOE president

DC Universe Online has only been available on PS4 for a few months — since the system's launch in November 2013 to be exact — and already Sony Online Entertainment is seeing the benefits of bringing the free-to-play MMORPG to Sony's new console. For starters, they've seen quite a bit more spending from the PS4 community.

"PS4 members spend more," SOE president John Smedley told us when asked about the microtransaction breakdown between the three different platforms — PS4, PS3, and PC.

"Quite a bit more as a matter of fact," he added. "And they spend more than PS3 players."

When asked why, Smedley told us that he has his theory, but no way to actually prove it.

"The theory is pretty simple," he told us. "On your PC, there's 100 games you can play. On your PS4, there's five or six big ones and I think free-to-play right now is getting a great ride because of that — because in between the tent pole releases free-to-play is right there. The person goes into their PS4, they see an ad on PSN and they go 'hey, that's pretty good.'"

"I think the quality of the games is really getting good," he continued. "DCUO, Warframe, these are well done games and they're as good as anything you can buy in a box. To me, free-to-play just seems like a natural way to go.”

And go, they will. Beyond DC Universe Online, SOE has plans to release both PlanetSide 2 and H1Z1 on PS4.