PS4’s Share Play will have time limit according to sources

A French news site, GameBlog, has revealed that the PlayStation 4's Share Play feature will be running on a time limit.

GameBlog sat down with Jim Ryan from PlayStation Europe at Gamescom and questioned the limits of Play Share, Ryan responded with this:

There is a limit, which is incredibly generous in my opinion: it is 60 minutes Also, if I am a PS + member and not you, I invite you to play even if you're not a member. PS +. However, if you want to play against me, competitive, you have to be PS + member.

Whether or not the 60 minutes is limited to a game, a day or session – we don't know. If I had to choose one, I'd like to have the 60 minute limit per session. That would be in my world, but let's be honest here, it will probably be per game (the pessimist strikes again!).

What do you think of this 60 minute Share Play limit? 

Let me know!