PSA: Forza Horizon, Earthlock: Festival of Magic free on Xbox One, 360 with Gold


Towards the end of August Microsoft revealed the next set of games that would be available to Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners through the Games with Gold program. This program is only available to Xbox owners that subscribe to Xbox LIVE Gold and makes a total of four games free every month.

 The first set of September's free games are now available to download for a limited time.

Xbox One:

  • Earthlock: Festival of Magic (9/1 – 9/30)

Xbox 360: 

  • Forza Horizon (9/1 – 9/15)

Luckily, Xbox One owners will be able to download Forza Horizon since the game is available via backward compatibility! Once you download Games with Gold titles, they are yours forever – even if you stop subscribing to Xbox Live.