PSA: Latest Just Cause 3 patch hurts console performance

Download with caution

Many PS4 and Xbox One players are experiencing performance issues after installing Just Cause 3 patch 1.03.

Patch 1.03 was designed to smooth over hitches like frame rate, texture pop-in and draw distance issues. For some console users, it has had the opposite effect.

YouTuber Justaguy500 recently uploaded a video (above) demonstrating the post-patch performance of the PS4 version of the game. Texture and particle pop-in is a clear problem, but the most glaring issue is the game’s low and fluctuating frame rate. Players report similar issues on Xbox One.

For now, opting out of patch 1.03 is the safest option for console players. Not all players have experienced issues, and PC players have even reported improvements following the patch, but there are no guarantees.

Though the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Just Cause 3 have proven particularly dicey, developer Avalanche Studios has been putting out fires on all platforms since December 2015. Load times were a big problem in the game’s early days, but frame rate has always been the bane of the console versions.