PSN ’12 Deals of Christmas’ Deal #2: Diablo 3 & Spelunky

Sony Europe has announced the next games as part of PSN's "12 Deals of Christmas" and they are: Diablo 3 for PlayStation 3 and Spelunky for PlayStation Vita. The discounts are currently live on the PlayStation Store and will remain in place for 48 hours, at which point Sony will discount a different set of games for the holidays.

Here's the price breakdown:

Diablo 3 (PS3)

  • Was: €59.99/AU$89.95/£49.99
  • Now: €39.99/AU$59.95/£29.99

Spelunky (PS Vita) – Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members

  • Was: €14.99/AU$21.95/£11.99
  • Now: €6.99/AU$10.35/£5.49

Past Deals:

Deal #1: FIFA 14 for PS3 and Vita

As always, we'll be sure to keep you updated with the latest deals, so keep it tuned to GameZone.