PSN is kind of down… again.

Here we go again...

Now don't go freaking out, but it looks like PlayStation Network is experiencing some connectivity trouble. While PlayStation support site lists PSN as "online," there's a note that you may experience some "intermittent connectivity."

In response to people experiencing issues, Ask PlayStation only repeating what is already said on the site. 

It's a vague response for gamers already frustrated with PSN's problems. Since last week, PSN has been suffering from ongoing connectivity issues stemming from DDoS attacks by Lizard Squad. Today's issue doesn't appear to be another attack, but rather a potential side effect. It's hard to tell what the problem is at this point.

Perhaps it's nothing serious. Maybe it's just Sony working out a few kinks in their system to try and prevent such a widespread outage from happening again. Again, the most frustrating thing here is their lack of response to the situation. You'd think they'd give paying subscribers some sort of heads up seeing as how service has been disrupted since Christmas.

It's unclear how widespread the current problem is, but let us know in the comments below if you are experiencing any problems.