PSN offline as Sony ‘investigates’ the issues. PS4’s Share Play to blame?

PSN goes down with release of PS4 update 2.0

As you've probably realized by now, PlayStation Network is down. Though the issues have been affecting various users throughout the day, it looks like it's now a widespread problem.

Responding to the outage, Sony has acknowledged PSN is currently offline, promising PlayStation users that they are "hard at work" to resume service.

"At this time an estimate as to when PSN will be online is unavailable; however, we will update this article as soon as there's additional information," Sony said.

Earlier today, Sony released a major update for the PS4 (version 2.0, aka Masamune). Although Sony hasn't acknowledged this as the cause of the problems, it's likely that the update's new Share Play feature is causing intense straing on PSN's servers.

Errors that we encountered earlier today include:

  • WS-37504-9 (when attempting to connect using Share Play)
  • E-820001F7 (when trying to access our library)
  • "This content cannot be selected at time (when we tried to get more themes from the PS Store)
  • "An error occurred during communication with the server" (we were able to connect our YouTube account, but it wouldn't allow us to upload content)

Let us know what problems you've experienced. Feel free to use the comment section below to vent. It helps.